
Monday, September 19, 2011

Black Velvet Cupcakes

A family friend of my Husband and mine is celebrating a birthday this week.  I wanted to use some of the edible glitter hearts I purchases and thought they'd look great with a black cupcake.  I was hoping for a sophisticated looking treat.  I do think I achieved the effect I was going for, but I have to admit the cupcake itself was not so tasty.  I am not even going to post the recipe because I cannot recommend anyone to make these themselves.  I'm not sure if it was the taste of the black dye, but this cake has a not-so-pleasant aftertaste.

I did find some adorable boxes to transport cupcakes.  I am thrilled to have a more attractive way of presenting my baked goods.  It's a shame these cupcakes don't taste very good, because they look wonderful!

I will tweak this recipe to make it more appetizing.  I love the idea of black cupcakes.  In the meantime, however, I am going to make some cute pink cherry chip cupcakes for our friend's special day.  I do want her to have a happy birthday, after all!

UPDATE:  I have since made delicious Black Velvet Cupcakes, which I have happily shared the recipe for!  Click here for the recipe!

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