
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chocolate Covered Cherry Cake Pops

This week has been busy, busy, BUSY! I'm still trying to set up a workable schedule for myself with baking, household chores/errands and the gym. My trainer has ramped up my workouts, which has left me with less energy than usual the last few days. I have never been a regular coffee drinker, but now I'm considering starting the day with some caffeine. Hopefully, it won't come to that and I can push through!

My next post will feature some "Piggy" creations - cupcakes and cookies. They are not quite done yet, so in the meantime I thought I would share another cake pop flavor combination - chocolate covered cherry cake. I was hoping it would turn out as tasty as I imagined, and they did!  When I tried one it was so similar to eating a candy chocolate covered cherry, which is one of my favorite treats.  Yum!

You will need Cherry Chip cake mix, Cherry Frosting, and melted dark chocolate.  I used a box cake because the Queen of cake pops, Bakerella, said it's okay.  And she is CRAZY creative and penned an incredible book, which inspired me to start making them.  If she's said it's alright, that's good enough for me!  Instead of the Wilton chocolate I usually use I tried the Merckens brand and the difference was amazing. Merckens not only tasted better, the melted consistency was also much smoother for dipping and set with such a lovely sheen to it. The colors are much more vibrant, as well. I'm going to use it exclusively now.  

Click here for the instructions on assembling the cake pops.  Make sure to leave yourself a few hours for this project. They are time consuming and can be frustrating, but the results make me feel satisfied every time.  And, people love them!  I sent the chocolate covered cherry pops to work with my husband and they were a huge hit!  The birthday girl loved them.  Nothing makes me happier.  :)

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